Our Vision

The HASHPPAC will collaborate across diverse sectors of our community to develop a city-wide system that gives our youth hope for the future, and opportunity to reach their goals. The committee will work for providing medically accurate, comprehensive sexual health education to our youth. We will lay the foundation for providing Holyoke’s teens with the capacity for making healthy choices and the opportunity for accessible sexual health services and information. The accountability committee aims for a Holyoke that offers each youth a well rounded education, access to services, and community engagement that contributes to the success of our city and its residents.

Meeting Minutes

Holyoke Adolescent Sexula Health and Pregnancy Prevention Task Force
Meeting Minutes

June 4, 2013

March 5, 2013

December 4,2012

September 4, 2012

June 19, 2012

March 2, 2012
3-6-12 meeting minutes

January 31, 2012
1-31-12 meeting minutes